Archive for February 9th, 2011

How to help?

February 9, 2011

I found it!

Many of you, no doubt, have been following the news of the terrible flooding in Rio. Being so far away, it is hard to know how to help other than to pray for those families who were affected. In connection to this, I had been looking for a charity who operated out of the UK but with strong links and experience with grassroots organisations back in Brazil. In my view, this is often the best way to insert financial support into a complex crisis like this.

The ABC trust are a UK based organisation who have been working exclusively in Brasil within the last ten years. Their Flood Appeal page says ‘ We are in touch with some local NGO’s and councils in the region and will be sending all of the money that we raise from this appeal out to help with their efforts.’ If you are considering giving financially with respect to the flooding, we would certainly commend ABS wholeheartedly.

ABC Trust’s regular projects are in three areas: Arts and Culture, Education, and Shelter and Care, and, unusually for a charity, their work is very well distributed across all of Brasil. They do a lot in the UK to raise funds. A recent venture was Gold Challenge, a sporting initiative linked to the Olympics.